Colon therapy is a practice that dates back thousands of years. Today, the treatment type includes using various solutions to cleanse the colon to promote the natural healing abilities of the body. From gut health to increase the immune system, colon therapy is a top choice for many adults who want to see a change in their body for the better. Many health issues are affected by the gastrointestinal tract. By treating the intestines with colon therapy, the digestive function is stimulated, and intestinal movement is promoted. The cleansing allows the contents of the intestines to move through the body with ease. When the intestinal muscles are unable to push out waste correctly, toxicity can set in and the individual will be greatly affected. Waste Build-up When the intestinal muscles are not functioning correctly, the waste in the body will begin to build up. This waste will ferment and decay. The waste then enters the bloodstream via the walls of your colon. The t...