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Top Tips for Getting Pregnant

It appears for some women, conceiving a baby is simple. Whether they are trying for baby number one of five, it doesn’t take long for a pregnancy to take shape. For others, getting pregnant can be a difficult and long process. From trying different sex positions to reviewing ovulation kits, the process of trying to conceive can become more of a chore than a fun and exciting time in your relationship. Often times, stress from not getting pregnant can cause strain in the relationship. If you find that you are having difficulty getting pregnant, sometimes it is best to take a break and rely on tried and true tips for pregnancy to happen. Below are a few common tips that can be helpful to the process.

Having Sex Often

This may seem like something that every couple should know but often times, with busy work schedules, time together can be overlooked. Specialists in fertility state that couples should be having sex at least every other day for the best chance of getting pregnant. Of course, if you are timing your cycle, you can stay in line with that, but for women who have irregular periods, every other day is a good method to adhere to!


Women who have a standard 28-day period cycle should be able to determine their ovulation date. Count 14 days from the first day of your period to figure the date. When periods are not regular, you can use an ovulation kit to track the most fertile time and then have some alone time with your partner to see if you have any success.

Remember to Have Fun

Over time, trying to conceive can become stressful. When you are not getting pregnant, you may feel down and out. Remember that part of the process is having fun with your partner. Don’t see sex with each other as a chore. Remember how much you enjoy each other and focus on that rather than if you will be getting pregnant this time around.

Alternative Methods

For many women, alternative methods are used to try and increase fertility to become pregnant. One of the more popular methods used today is known as holistic pelvic care. The goal of this therapy type is to use bodywork of the internal pelvic floor and intra-vaginal massage to address any imbalance that may exist. The treatment is used to restore balance to the muscles in this region of the body. The outcome can be a balance in a physical, emotional and spiritual sense.



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