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Common Symptoms Associated with Anxiety

Everyone worries from time to time as worry is a normal emotion. You may feel nervous about an upcoming job interview or before a big event. Anxiety, however, is something different than simple worry. Anxiety disorders can cause distress and disturb the day to day life of the affected individual. An individual suffering from anxiety are in constant fear and worry so much that they quickly feel overwhelmed, sometimes disabling their ability to complete simple tasks. Thankfully with proper treatment, anxious feelings can be abated and life can be fulfilling once more. 

Types of Anxiety
There are a few different types of anxiety. Panic disorder will see the individual feeling random bouts of terror where panic attacks can occur. With social anxiety disorder, the individual feels worrisome and self-conscious when around others in social situations. The individual can feel judged or embarrassed.
There are also specific phobias that can cause worry such as being afraid of heights or flying, which trigger anxiety. A generalized anxiety disorder will see the individual feeling worrying about unrealistic situations and feeling tension for no reason at all.
Common Symptoms of Anxiety
No matter what type of anxiety diagnosis you have, the symptoms are common between each type. The individual will feel panic, fear and uneasiness, have problems sleeping and can experience tense muscles. Shortness of breath, heart palpitations and nausea plus dizziness can occur when the anxiety becomes overwhelming.
When diagnosed with anxiety, there are many types of treatments you can try to gain control of your life once again. Many patients find that medication is helpful, with such medicines as clonazepam or Xanax used to treat the symptoms and lower the feeling of anxiety. Counseling can also be of assistance as the individual can discuss the feelings of anxiety and find out how to use certain techniques to calm down and feel at peace.
Another option for treatment is Neurofeedback which is a non-invasive process involving computer monitoring of the brain waves. Information is used to help create normal brain wave patterns so that brain wave activity is adjusted, helping the patient to learn how to deal with feelings of anxiety. Results are permanent and the individual seeking treatment may even be able to stop taking medications once the treatment is complete.
If you feel that you suffer from anxiety, seek medical treatment. Be evaluated by a professional to determine your level of anxiety as well as if you suffer from a particular disorder. With testing, you will then be able to determine the best option for treatment.


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