In today’s society, individuals suffer from a variety of physical and mental conditions. From depression to anxiety, insomnia, and gut health issues, the list goes on and on as to what people deal with on a daily basis. Once diagnosed with a condition, the patient will seek treatment to be able to feel better. But what if the treatment used is not working? What if your doctor prescribes medication that you do not want to take? For many people, a different approach is needed, such as naturopathic medicine.
With naturopathic medicine, a health care physician will emphasize that treatment takes place using therapeutic methods and substances. This can include using modern and traditional means as well as scientific and empirical options. Taking a look at the principles of naturopathic medicine, allows you to better understand this form of treatment. Below is a list of the principles and easy to understand definition to take a closer look at this alternative treatment category.
Healing Power of Nature
With naturopathic medicine, the goal is to look at the self-healing process. Physicians will help to identify and remove whatever obstacles are in the way of your healing and being in recovery.
Identifying and Treating the Causes
The illness of the patient is reviewed with the physician working to identify the underlying cause and then removing this issue from the equation.
First Do No Harm
Physicians of naturopathic medicine follow this rule. They seek to do no harm to the patient by using methods and medicinal substances that will have little to no side effects that will be harmful to the patient. The suppression of symptoms is avoided as much as possible and the physician will work with the individual on the self-healing process in order to facilitate proper healing.
The Doctor is Seen as a Teacher
Physicians of this type of medicine will educate their patients on health and encourage the individual to be responsible for their health.
Treating the Person as a Whole
The physician works to treat the person as a whole instead of just one aspect. The physician will review the total health of the individual including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Spiritual development is encouraged.
Prevention Methods
Risk factors are assessed by the physician as well as the heredity aspect of the illness to help prevent sickness or a condition from coming back or making an appearance.
Overall, naturopathic medicine combines science with nature. Physicians in this category look for natural means to treat patients, focusing on self-healing, spiritual growth and development as well as using scientific methods in order to promote healing of the mind and body. Naturopathic medicine can be used to treat a number of conditions including cancer and chronic illness. Treatment options can include ozone therapy, IV therapy Treatment, hydrotherapy and more.
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