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Are You Experiencing More Than Worry?

Anxiety is a common emotion that one can feel on a regular basis. Perhaps you are starting a new job and feel a bit of worry about meeting co-workers and starting a new position. Maybe your oldest child just got their driver’s license and you are feeling anxious about them driving on the roadways. Many instances in day to day life can create anxious feelings of worry. But are you feeling too much worry? Is what you are feeling more than just worry and a form of anxiety?
Millions of people are affected by anxiety on a regular basis. For the most part, you worry and then the situation fixes itself or the outcome is not what you expected and you are at ease. However, for individuals who suffer from anxiety, it’s not so simple. The worry never goes away and is accompanied by a feeling of fear. So how do you know if your worry is just that or if you are experiencing a form of anxiety?
The best thing to do is to be evaluated by a professional. You want to be tested to see if you are just worrying a little more than normal or if you are experiencing a form of anxiety. You will be asked about your symptoms and how you are feeling on a regular basis.
Common symptoms of anxiety include:
  • Feeling nervous and restless, tense
  • Feeling a sense of impending danger or panic
  • Increased heart rate
  • Rapid breathing can lead to hyperventilation
  • Sweating/trembling
  • Feeling tired
  • Having trouble concentrating
Your physician will be able to look at your symptoms and discover if you have anxiety and what treatment options to explore. Every person who suffers from anxiety is different. While one person may experience panic attacks, another may feel an overwhelming sense of dread or fear every day. Because every individual is different, treatment will be vary based on the patient.
This is why an evaluation by a professional is most important. While you may already be concerned that you have anxiety, an official diagnosis will give you the support you need to seek treatment. A professional can also suggest treatment options based on your specific symptoms. You want to treat the symptoms but also the underlying issue so that you can begin to experience a normal routine daily. With proper treatment, you can look forward to each day instead of constant worry and dread.


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