Insomnia is a sleep disorder where the individual affected has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Insomnia can influence the body and mind which affects the day to day activities of the individual. Those suffering from insomnia will have difficulty falling asleep, wake up during the night and have trouble falling back asleep as well as wake up too early in the morning. The individual often feels tired after waking and would like to get a decent nights’ sleep.
There are two types of insomnia that can be diagnosed; primary and secondary. With primary insomnia, the individual will have sleep problems and there is nothing else directly associated with the sleep issues like a health problem or condition. Secondary insomnia means the sleep issue is due to something else such as a health condition like heartburn, depression or asthma. This type can also be associated with pain, medication or substance use such as alcohol.
Treating Insomnia
If you suffer from insomnia, you have most likely tried to maintain good sleep habits, take sleeping pills or other methods. When this doesn’t work, you might want to try unique forms of treatment that you may have never heard of before. Such options as soundbed therapy and AMS can be helpful in alleviating sleeping issues and working towards treating insomnia.
Soundbed therapy is a 30-minute treatment that can be beneficial to insomnia patients. With this therapy type, acoustic therapy is used to balance the heart rate and blood pressure, increase circulation within the body, reduce chronic muscle tension and reduce stress. Mood and emotion can be energized by using one of the several individual programs of soundbed therapy target a specific area of the body or therapy need. For the patient to adapt and be successful with treatment, the therapy will need to be completed several times a week in the beginning.
With AMS, electromagnetic therapy is used along with bio resonance to stimulate the repair of cells within the body. A magnetic field is applied to the body to induce production of electrical currents within the tissues of the body. The currents help to promote blood flow, oxygen delivery and nutrient delivery to the tissues which helps to improve cellular function. The body can self-heal which can influence sleeping patterns for a restful night instead of a tossing and turning one.
These two options are just an example of various alternative methods you can try to beat insomnia or at least see a tiny bit of relief. Give one or both a try to see what might work for your sleeping needs.
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